Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can You Teach an Old Dog a New Trick?

It has begun. Elsa and I have taken the giant leap from Rally-Obedience to regular AKC Obedience. And boy do we have a lot to learn!

Our new "teacher" is Celeste Meade. She has been competing in obedience at the national level for over 25 years with unbelievable accomplishments, and travels the nation promoting her "attitude is everything" approach on dog training. Last night I met a woman who drives a 6 hour round trip from Connecticut twice a week just to work under Celeste! I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn from such a successful dog trainer!

As I've mentioned before, regular obedience differs from Rally-O in many ways. Mostly, everything has to be perfect in obedience! Whereas in Rally-O you can talk to your dog and minor "oops" don't matter as much. Not the case in obedience! Elsa and I have to perfect everything we know, and it's my job to keep it all fun fun FUN!

So can you teach an old dog new tricks? Elsa's already 5 years old. I'll have to basically start from scratch to bring her to the level I want her to be at. Most people tell me it takes 2 years of training before their dog is ready for the show ring! Here we go Elsa...we've got a lot of catching up to do!!

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