Friday, May 13, 2011

An Utterly Great Walk

So I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Just to warn you, this is total proof of what a geek I am. But I'll tell you anyways.

I really like cows.

I think they're awesome. I don't know if it's their gentle disposition, their quirky curiosity, or the fact that I grew up listening to stories from my mom about how she grew up on a cow farm. Either way, I have a soft spot for them. (Ok, maybe I even have frequent daydreams about the day I own a cow farm.)

And fortunately, I get my cow-fix every spring through fall when I walk the little spaniel pup (who I totally LOVE), Sasha. See, she lives near Spring Hill Farm and our walk-of-choice is down a dirt road that follows along the cow field. Come spring, the field becomes the home of a herd of cows who Sasha, Elsa, Reese, and I love to visit. The pups learn to look for the cows, the cows learn to enjoy our company, and within no time I literally have cows running (yes, cows run!) to keep up with us on our walk!

So in celebration of the arrival of a new herd, and to prove my true geek-ness to you all, I'd like to share some pictures that I took of our most recent visit with my cows.

Sasha's got a smile on her face as we make our way towards our hoofed friends

Time to speed up, we see them!

And our cows catch sight of us

Reesie with her friends

Saying hello

Trying to get a closer look of the Collie

Got anything for us to eat?

Ok maybe I bribed them to like me by feeding them some of the tasty grass on our side of the fence

Following the pups

And saying hello

Reese likes to believe she's a herding dog

We began to head back and the cows gladly followed

Running to keep up with us!

How can you not love that face??


Getting a scratch

And trying a taste of a tree branch


Happy dog!

And more happy dogs!

Reese decided to run out to the cows one last time to say goodbye.

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