I hear it over and over again, the constant exclamations of how lucky I must be to be to spend every day walking dogs. And I have to agree, my walkers and I are very lucky! And what makes it even better are the fantastic dogs that we walk. There's tall dogs and short dogs, energetic dogs and lazy dogs, cute dogs and silly dogs. The personalities are endless! And there's nothing I love more than capturing those personalities with a picture. One of BlueDog's wonderful walkers, Jenn, also has a passion and talent for photographing dogs. So we planned a BlueDog photo shoot; an entire day with an ambitious list of dogs and walkers for Jenn to meet and photograph throughout Andover and North Andover! She had a blast, our walkers had a blast, and most importantly, the lovable pups that we walk had fun showing off and smiling for the camera!
So to all of those people who tell me how lucky I am, I'd like to share a look into what it's like to be a BlueDog walker for a day.
So to all of those people who tell me how lucky I am, I'd like to share a look into what it's like to be a BlueDog walker for a day.
Jenn started her day off with a 9am visit with Katie and Romeo. Romeo is BlueDog's most senior pup, he just celebrated his 14th birthday! The two of them enjoy slow, sniffy walks in beautiful downtown Andover.
I've never known dogs to get wrinkles as they age...but apparently their tongues do!
Next was Chloe, a little Havanese pup who enjoys two visits a day from her walker Katie as she learns how to be house trained (and Katie had taught her a trick or two already too!)
She likes laying in the summer sun with Katie and her best friend Chance. Chance is Katie's dog and joins her on nearly every walk. All of her pups absolutely love walking and playing with him! It also promotes socialization and all of our walkers are encouraged to bring their dogs on walks with them once I've determined they're well behaved, well socialized, and great with other dogs.
Usually we try to keep our walks structured and controlled to promote good manners, but Bella was just too excited to get her picture taken and ran ahead of her walker Meghan to smile for the camera!
There's the smile!
Then Jenn was off to North Andover for a walk with Butch and Amy. And speaking of smiles...Butch makes it clear that dogs can indeed, smile : )
He absolutely loves his walker and best friend, Amy. Amy also occasionally house sits for Butch, he always has a blast during their slumber parties!
Daisy is a rescued terrier mix who lives in a beautiful neighborhood, though her and her walker must watch out for poison ivy! I walked Daisy myself earlier this summer and ended up with a whole bunch of the itchy stuff all over my legs!
Daisy likes to have some cuddle time with Rebecca. She also enjoys it when Rebecca brings her dog, Sadie, who is also a rescue, over for a visit!
Jenn has got photographing dogs down to an art...but sometimes the pups just get too excited! Like Sarah here, who just couldn't handle her excitement about making a new friend. She just went straight up for a kiss!
And then it was on to her best friend Katie, who she absolutely smothered with kisses! Sarah is just a pup and is learning good manner's from BlueDog's trainer, Amy. Amy has also taught Katie what they've learned, so that she can be consistent with Sarah's training during their walks!
Look at that tongue! Simba is just growing up from puppy-hood, he's currently going through that awkward stage most of our dogs went through as they matured! But he's a very good boy and not only enjoys walks with Amy, but they also work on his good manners and commands.
Amy has been walking him since he was only 8 weeks old!
Next Jenn headed to the park by the library in North Andover where Lauren and Stanley were playing fetch with a tennis ball. It's his absolute favorite game and he could play for hours!
They also worked on a couple commands in between games. Look how well he stays for her!
Amy and Sadie were enjoying some cuddle time in the yard. Sadie had no problem rolling over for a belly rub, she knows Amy can't say no to that!
Jenn loved photographing Sadie, she was such a ham and totally loved the camera. Look at that face!
Amy also walks BlueDog's amazing three-legged dog, Sophie. After being diagnosed with bone cancer, Sophie's parents made the brave decision to save their girl by having her leg amputated. She has been healthy and happy ever since!
Next up was Bruno who enjoyed a nice, shady walk with his walker Lauren.
And then on to a fun game of fetch in the yard. He's another one who could play for hours!
Tell me that isn't love! Another BlueDog senior, Sasha, still has the energy to go for long walks despite her age...and grey hairs! But her older age has also brought on some health risks, so we all know the signs to look for when she's gone far enough.
She has fun walking the fields along Spring Hill Farm and loves barking at the cows!
The last stop of the day was at 3pm with Katie, Max, and Cleo. Max is by far BlueDog's tallest dog and towers over Katie when he stands on his hind legs!
But these guys, despite their size, are as gentle and sweet as they get. They love to walk with Katie down to the North Andover town common, or play in the backyard.
And then on to a fun game of fetch in the yard. He's another one who could play for hours!
Tell me that isn't love! Another BlueDog senior, Sasha, still has the energy to go for long walks despite her age...and grey hairs! But her older age has also brought on some health risks, so we all know the signs to look for when she's gone far enough.
She has fun walking the fields along Spring Hill Farm and loves barking at the cows!
The last stop of the day was at 3pm with Katie, Max, and Cleo. Max is by far BlueDog's tallest dog and towers over Katie when he stands on his hind legs!
But these guys, despite their size, are as gentle and sweet as they get. They love to walk with Katie down to the North Andover town common, or play in the backyard.

We will surely be doing another BlueDog photo shoot in the future! It was absolutely impossible to take pictures of all the dogs walked by BlueDog that day, but we'll be certain to feature more pups soon. If your dog was featured today and you'd like to see more pictures, just let me know!
And I hope you were able to enjoy daydreaming about what it's like to spend a lucky day with BlueDog : )
And I hope you were able to enjoy daydreaming about what it's like to spend a lucky day with BlueDog : )
1 comment:
So enjoyable to see. Wished I lived in your town so Buddy could be walked as well as have overnight sitters.
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