As spectators at the Westminster Dog Show, Chris and I were able to walk around the floor throughout the day, watching the individual breeds compete for Best In Breed. We were able to sit ringside during some of the competition, and enjoyed some time off our feet sitting in the bleachers, taking it all in. There were SO many people watching the individual breeds during the day and it was quite obvious when the most popular dog breeds were competing due to all the cheering! I can't say the Collies had a large crowd, but there was certainly one girl in the crowd cheering for them : )
Look for your favorite breeds, I tried to include many that we walk for BlueDog!
First day, first time onto the floor. I was so excited!
Saying there were a lot of people was an understatement. It was hard to find a good spot at times!
Borzois are up...Collies are next!
Rhodesian Ridgebacks
Waiting for his turn
Handlers were well prepared for everything in the show ring...they had treats, toys, brushes, and towels...the towels were often used to wipe up the dogs' drool!
Bull Mastiff strutting his stuff.
Black was no surprise that every lab we saw had it's tail wagging the entire time : )
Irish Setters about to step into the ring, keeping the hair on their ears tangle free until right before it was time to compete.
The Pugs were always having fun in the show ring because their handlers always had treats.
Australian Shepherds
Ibizan Hounds...they all look the same to me!
Ibizan Hound, one of the oldest dog breeds.
Smooth Collie watching his handler intently for treats. This was the number 1 Smooth Collie.
Smooth Collie
German Shepherd
The Best in Breed Rough Collie after his win, posing for pictures.
Posing for the judge.
The judge examined every dog very closely.
A quick glance into the audience.
Golden Retrievers and English Setters
Shetland Sheepdog

Best in Breed Shetland Sheepdog
A Shetland Sheepdog handled by Survivor's Jane...we got to meet and talk with her! More on that later : )
Look for your favorite breeds, I tried to include many that we walk for BlueDog!
Best in Breed Shetland Sheepdog