Thursday, October 21, 2010


It seems that this year the skunks in the Andovers are out with a vengeance! I can certainly say there were a couple of skunks that I've run into so far this year. I had a very close call with Reese...she was nose to nose with a skunk but came when I called and avoided getting sprayed...good thing I've got her recall down perfectly, such a good girl! To help those of you who have been unfortunate enough to deal with a skunked pooch, I've put together an explanation of what to do to get rid of the smell best, courtesy of Bulger's Animal Hospital. The most important thing to remember is to NOT wet your dog until you've accomplished this process. Ingredients:

1/2 pint of hydrogen peroxide

¼ cup of baking soda

One tablespoon of dish soap

(double for long haired or large dogs)

Mix all ingredients together really well and put it in a spray bottle. Spray the dog until they are completely soaked. Rub the mixture in for several minutes, creating a foam. Repeat soaking and rubbing again, being careful to avoid your pup's eyes. Smell your dog and if the skunk smell seems to have improved, rinse your dog. If not, repeat the process once more and then rinse. Continue to repeat the process if you can still smell skunk, especially on the areas that got sprayed directly. You can also repeat this process the next day if your dog still has an odor to him.

Your dog may still have a lingering odor, especially when he gets wet, but this will be the best approach to eliminate the smell!

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16th, 2010

As a dog walker, I don't always have the time to take lots of pictures. But every once in a while I'll spend a little extra time with some pups for a fun photo shoot! Today was just one of those days and who better to choose than the colorful characters Bruno, Bogart, and Dexter! Joining them, of course, was Elsa and Reese, who are always ready to pose for the camera. But we also had the privilege of being joined by Chloe the Yorkie, who turns out to be a little model at heart! Enjoy : )

Bruno contemplates whether or not he wants to play fetch.

Dexter, such a true dog!

My girl Elsa watching everyone play.

First greeting

Still contemplating

Ready for action

Yup, time to play fetch!


Reese, always with a look of mischief

Watching with caution

The watchdog

My boy Bogart

Trying to reach!

Looking so handsome at times

And just down right goofy at others!

A true doggie smile!

What's going on?


Such a pretty girl

Elsa ♥

What's that!?

Like I said...a model at heart.

And of course the group shot! Messy but adorable : )

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

BlueDog Gets CPR and First Aid Certified!

Here at BlueDog, we want to do the very best we can to keep the dogs that we walk safe and happy! That's why this past Saturday BlueDog attended a class held by the American Red Cross to become certified in dog & cat first aid and CPR!

We learned how to recognize a distressed dog, tend to and bandage a wound, and perform CPR on a dog and cat!

Not only was it a very educational event, but a lot of fun as well! So of course, the camera came along with us and we took some pictures of our learning experience : )

Kaila performs CPR on a cat!

Lauren's learning how to save a dog's life!

I give a thumbs up, looks like this dog is saved!

Logan "scans the scene" before performing CPR on a cat.

Lauren shows off my bandaging job!

Logan practices bandaging a wound on her "dog" Kaila! : )

We had a fantastic time and now BlueDog is certified in CPR and first aid! So as much as we hope that we'll never need to utilize our new knowledge, we will be ready if we have to!
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